Reign Dancer Ministries
Reign Dancer Ministries supports Reign Dancer Ministries Kenya. It is a small community in rural Kisii Kenya about a half day by public transportation from Nairobi. It is 5,577 ft. above see level and very close to the Equator, so the temperatures are very mild. All of the streets are dirt, so it is very difficult to travel in the rainy season.
Our Statement of Faith
We are a faith family, united in our desire to serve others: Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. Following the example set for us by our Savior Jesus Christ, we are committed to teaching the Word of God, growing in righteousness and holiness, to holding one another accountable in humility and love, and to leading souls to repentance and salvation. We accept the Word of God as singular truth and reject worldly wisdom that is not supported with Biblical evidence. We strive to be conformed to the Holy Spirit and outgrow the standards and image of this fallen world in which we live.